
How to Ward Against Getting Ransomware

How to Ward Against Getting Ransomware

Every year, there seems to be a notable increase in high-profile ransomware attacks. If you haven’t yet devised a plan to shield your business from these dangers, the time to act is now. Luckily, there are proactive steps you can take to reduce the impact of ransomware attacks, and it all starts with preparation.

The 3 Most Essential Cybersecurity Best Practices for SMBs

The 3 Most Essential Cybersecurity Best Practices for SMBs

The misconception that small businesses are immune to cyberthreats is dangerous. In reality, their size and often lax security measures make them attractive targets. The cost of a cyber incident can be devastating for small and medium-sized businesses. It can lead to downtime, reputation damage, and significant financial loss.

Printers Can Pose a Security Risk If You Aren’t Careful

Printers Can Pose a Security Risk If You Aren’t Careful

Multifunctional printers can be indispensable business tools. However, they also pose significant security risks, potentially serving as entry points for cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities and pilfer sensitive data and resources. Safeguarding your organization against these threats is paramount. This blog post will explore key measures to fortify your networks against printer-based vulnerabilities.

Five Tricks to Keep Your Tech Secure While Traveling

Five Tricks to Keep Your Tech Secure While Traveling

You or one of your employees may need to work while on the road for many reasons. Unfortunately, this can be dangerous if you aren’t careful. We wanted to take a few minutes to (hopefully) review some security best practices your entire team should follow should they ever find themselves working as they travel.

How Has Ransomware Evolved Over the Years?

How Has Ransomware Evolved Over the Years?

Did you know that the first case of ransomware surfaced in 1989? Since then, it has grown far more dangerous and common. Let’s examine some of the numbers regarding ransomware and how you can avoid it affecting your organization. 

Three Types of Software Every Business Should Consider

Three Types of Software Every Business Should Consider

Software plays a crucial role in every business, regardless of its nature. Whether you rely on a CRM system, a point-of-sale solution, or more intricate software profiles, understanding key aspects of modern software is essential for maximizing its potential. Here are three vital insights into modern software.

Why Your Business Needs 24/7 Network Monitoring and Surveillance

Why Your Business Needs 24/7 Network Monitoring and Surveillance

Do you have the time to monitor your networks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year? If not, you’re like every other business owner out there, and if you’re not monitoring your network, you’re potentially leaving it open to a lot more threats than you should feel comfortable with. 

What an Attack on UnitedHealth Tells Us About Cybersecurity

There has recently been a surge in cyberattacks and data breaches targeting the healthcare industry and its affiliated businesses and vendors. With one such attack currently featured prominently in the headlines, it seemed appropriate to consider why this is and what businesses of all kinds—particularly those in healthcare—need to do to prevent this kind of …

What an Attack on UnitedHealth Tells Us About Cybersecurity Read More »

Endpoint Security is Remarkably Important for Your Business

Endpoint Security is Remarkably Important for Your Business

We all know that it’s important to protect your business’ infrastructure from threats of all kinds. Sometimes when we’re reading about discourse surrounding network security, you’ll see the word “endpoint.” Do you know how important it is to protect all endpoints? That’s what we want to explore with today’s article.